
At InsuranceAllInfo the concepts of accuracy and reliability are central tenets to our mission of delivering quality information about insurance. There, it will also be noted that at times, no matter how much care one may take, mistakes might happen. The following is a Correction Policy that stipulates the process of correcting any error to avoid misleading the readers at InsuranceAllInfo.

  1. Identifying Errors

  • Internal Review:

    Thus, by frequently reviewing the material with the help of the editorial staff, its relevance and authenticity can be assessed. In the process of these reviews possible errors are noted and corrected following the measures in this policy.
  • Reader Feedback:

    We would like to invite our readers to report any mistakes which they might have noticed in our content. Feedback can be sent to us through the contact page, email or on the comments’ section. All such reports are taken seriously round the clock and we appreciate this input.
  1. Assessing the Severity of Errors

  • Minor Errors:

    For example: simple spelling and grammatical errors, some statistics error, formatting problems which do not influence the material content.
  • Major Errors:

    These are factual errors which might be serious in that they present information that is completely wrong, misleading or erroneous information that is potentially capable of harming or misleading our readers. I also have come to understand that some mistakes are bigger than the others and cannot be left unnoticed.
  1. Correction Procedure

  • Prompt Correction:

    Our editorial team will evaluate the error and its possible impact to the story and then proceed in (erasing can be replaced by the most appropriate correction). Some insignificant mistakes shall be fixed as soon as possible; commonly, this shall take not more than 48 hours.
  • Notification of Corrections:

    For simple errors or for complex ones, correction notice would be placed at the articles in question. This notice will pointedly indicate what has been changed and the date that changes were made. However, for major errors and wrong doing, a detailed explanation may be given this may keep the public informed.
  • Retractions:

    In very special situation when the material is essentially wrong, or is derived from erroneous presuppositions, a retraction will be issued. Any retracted information will be labelled as such and the reason for the retraction will also be stated. If the information needs to be erased we would provide a brief retraction note in lieu of the content on our website.
  1. Communicating Corrections to Readers

  • Correction Notices:

    Every correction will be marked by a notice at the start or end of that content which is being corrected, based on the nature of the correction. This one will state the nature of the mistake, the change that has been done together with the date the change was made.
  • Acknowledging Reader Contributions:

    When a reader finds an error and this is corrected, we will mention the contribution of the reader (with their permission) in the correction notice, as a way of thanking him or her for their contribution.
  1. Transparency and Accountability

  • Public Record of Corrections:

    We also keep a master list of all substantial corrections and retraction that we make it available to the public. This record is open to anyone of our readers and would prove that we have nothing to hide; we are accountable to our people.
  • Ongoing Improvement:

    The concept we apply about correction is that of correction as learning. Editorial team also gets to access the corrected content so that it can be made to realize how the error was made and also to be informed on ways of preventing such a situation in the future.


We are committed to keeping fans as well as followers of InsuranceAllInfo well informed with up to date accurate information. This Correction Policy makes sure that each time mistakes are made, they are corrected without any delay and with as much credibility as possible to regain the reader’s trust. That is why we insist on our corrections being as transparent as possible and correcting mistakes and inaccuracies is one of the main priorities of our blog.