
As the readers may know, our blog aims at providing information on insurance and as such, the following is Ethics Policy which sets the code of conduct for all the contributors, employees, and shareholders that are involved in the creation, production, and distribution of such content. This means that while producing the content, we observe high standards of business ethics so as to present content that is credible and helpful to the reader.
  1. Personal Standards of Behavior

  • Integrity:

    All contributors must adhere to principles of integrity and truth in any aspects of work being done. These two views are epitomized in the following ways; we want content that is not fake and does not mislead in any way.
  • Respect:

    All submissions must be polite to colleagues, partners, and readers and must respect the difference in everyone’s viewpoints and idea in the course of the work.
  • Accountability:

    People are to be held for what they offer or do in the cyber world. Any mistake done or any wrong information given should be corrected as soon as possible and an apology if required be made.
  1. Organizational Standards of Behavior

  • Editorial Independence:

    Our blog does not allow any polarized influences coming from advertisers, sponsors, or any affiliates of the blog. It will be important to continue to say that the decisions about content are always inspired by the goal to meet the needs and interests of our readers and not by the commercial agenda.
  • Transparency:

    In order to protect our readers from biases or special interests driving the content, we are dedicated to explaining how content is manufactured in accordance to any conflicts of interests, sponsorships, or partnerships.
  • Accuracy and Reliability:

    Thus, our organization doesn’t supply inaccurate or misinformation and it focuses on delivering sound research. It is important to us to verify the information stated and cite sources if necessary.
  • Confidentiality:

    Our readers’ privacy is important to us and as such, any information we receive from our readers is protected by our privacy policy. Confidential information is processed with a lot of regard.
  1. Corporate Standards of Behavior

  • Social Responsibility:

    Of course, our organization is aimed at making the outcomes beneficial for the greater number of people. Our objectives of carrying out this research include; To increase people’s awareness of insurance and its function in the provision of funds during emergencies. In this company, we do not participate in activities that are most likely to cause harm or manipulate the readers in any way.
  • Fair Business Practices:

    We practice the highest standards of integrity in our dealing with partners, advertisers and affiliates to demonstrate that our business is indeed ethical.
  • Environmental Responsibility:

    It is for this reason that we have an understanding of the extent of our environmental responsibility to the environment and take measures to make sure that we contribute to the reduction of carbon footprints as much as is practically possible. This includes transitioning to sustainable business practices in our operations and promoting same amongst stakeholders.
  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

    Our company does not in any way violate the law, special regulations or requirements of the industry it operates in. This ranges from the recognition of the rights of ownership of intangible properties such as trademarks, copyrights, patents or trade secrets, to compliance with data protection laws, and ensuring that no content violates existing laws.


It must be noted that the following Ethics Policy will act as a reference document to the blog in order to guarantee the proper ethical stance in all the activities it encompasses. Thus, in following these principles, we ensure our readers’ trust and be beneficial to the insurance industry as well as the society at large.