Home Insurance Claim Adjuster Secret Tactics

Home Insurance Claim Adjuster Secret Tactics

Home Insurance Claim Adjuster Secret Tactics : Complete Guideline

Dealing with home insurance claims fairly resembles an attempt to find one’s way through the Labyrinth. Whoever happens to be in a position where he or she has to file a claim, there might be countless of questions about the process especially in USA. There are rumours you might have come across what insiders call home insurance claim adjuster secret tactics that will favour your side or not. Learning these tactics can go along way into helping you avoid some of the most common issues when going through the claims process, and maybe even get a higher payout as well.

What is a Home Insurance Claim Adjuster?

A home insurance claim adjuster is a person who gathers details and collects information relating to insurance claims on behalf of an insurance company. Their main duty is to evaluate the degree of harm done, consider the admissibility of the entitlement and even debate on how much the insurance firm should compensate. Although they may be viewed as your claim’s ‘guardians’ it’s helpful to understand their strategies so you can protect your claim as well.

Why Do Adjusters Use Tactics?

Adjusters are taught to uphold the best interest of any insurer out there in the market. Despite the fact that some of them may appear to be covert in their strategies, many of them are implemented as business as usual strategies. Both of them seeks to makes minimal payouts and to ensure the genuineness of the claims. Nevertheless, it is better to be aware of such tactics as it will definitely help to proceed with the claiming process more confidently.

Who Are These Adjusters?

Adjusters can therefore be from insurance backgrounds, legal backgrounds, construction backgrounds among others. Some of these practitioners may have been practicing for a number of years while others may be fresh to the practice. Regardless of their background, they share a common goal: to analyse claims and evaluate their validity or credibility appropriately as per the nature of each claim. Yet the practices that these different types of organizations apply may be far from resembling each other.

A Personal Anecdote

When I first seek for compensation after storm destroyed the roof of my house I was very confused. After a few days, and after the adjuster came to my house with his clipboard and what seemed like an exhaustive questionnaire. At some point I realized I was on the defense instead of arguing for compensation over my loss. From the initial meeting of this course I realized that the team used some of the following strategies.

Common Secret Tactics Used by Adjusters
Common Secret Tactics Used by Adjusters

Common Secret Tactics Used by Adjusters

Knowing the general approaches that adjusters apply while handling claims is essential in the process. Here are some of the most prevalent strategies:

  1. Asking Leading Questions

The following are some of the common approaches used by adjusters including leading questions which are designed to lead you. For instance instead of asking the lawyer if they need any proof that the damages were documented they may ask you, “Could I know how you documented the damages?” One of the questions that I recall as putting much pressure on me was that of timeline of events. In retrospect, what the adjuster was doing was to cast aspersions on my credibility of my claim on account of some inconsequential discrepancies.

  1. Underestimating Damage

Another strategy includes the underreporting of loss, which is perhaps the most frequently used strategy by the insurance organizations. Unfortunately, adjusters may decide to minimize the extent of the injuries that they notice, which may have a bearing on your compensation. They could then tell you that you only need repairs for a part of your roof while it could be time for a complete overhaul. After my adjuster came to inspect my roof, he said I had a small leak and told me to get a repair when he knew fully well about the extent of problems as evident from my pictures. One must learn how to defend themselves or fight against these underestimations made on their abilities.

  1. Delaying Tactics

Delay works in the advantage of the insurance company most of the times. Some of the manipulative behaviours adjuster may use include requesting for more supporting documents, or setting up for more follow-up inspections and investigations. This can be rather discouraging; however, it is critical to be as active and as patient as possible. When there were hardships I constantly checked my progress and hounded the adjuster to ensure active progress of my claim.

  1. Offering a Quick Settlement

At times, the adjuster will give a settlement so that the claim can be put to a halt. Despite this sounding rather glamorous, it is necessary to have a critical look at whether the offer in question corresponds to the scope of the granted damages. Engaging in a settlement that brings a simple solution without a proper evaluation makes you lose some amount of money in the future. It was intriguing because I first received the first offer and indeed went round searching for more data only to settle for a much better compensation which was the actual loss.

  1. Utilizing Their Own Estimates

Some adjusters have their ways of assessing claims or they go by their figures and the systems put in place. They may have fixtures of programs that give approximate charges of repair depending on stipulated requirements. Still, such systems can provide a fundamental solution, but they may not take into consideration several specific issues with regards to your claim. So, they are attempting to save costs for themselves and I was able to effectively counter by getting independent contractor estimates.

Which Tactics Can You Counteract?

Once you understand some of the tactics adjusters use, you should try to be a step ahead of them in case you are involved in the same. Here are some strategies you can employ:

  1. Document Everything

At the same time it is crucial to keep very detailed records. Document of the damages through pictures, save receipts for everybody’s expense, and write all correspondents with your insurance company. This documentation can be very vital when bargaining your claim as evidence. I ensured that I took pictures of anything that I could possibly do to support my claim and this really helped me when I was dealing with the adjuster.

  1. Be Cautious with Your Words

It is especially important that a person remembers what they are saying when dealing with an adjuster. Especially, do not make any statements that will be ambiguous or pain the opposite implication in a court of law. It would be worse than to state “I think it is not much harmed.” This way, it is always better to try switching to fact-based language – For instance, instead of telling the client “The roof leaked, it needs to be fixed,” try saying “There are four places on the roof that require repair.”

  1. Get Your Own Estimates

It is recommended to get estimates from the independent contractors or professionals. This information can help you negotiate with the adjuster to counter any low-ball estimate that he or she brings forward. It is good to have multiple opinions as it strengthens the negotiation of a certain deal or contract. I therefore sought the opinion of several roofing contractors to free me for negotiations with the adjuster whom I informed their feedback.

  1. Know Your Policy Inside and Out

It is importance that one is able to have an understanding of the insurance policy they take. Get to know the terms, the coverage and the cases to which it will not apply. This knowledge will help you when defending your claim on a negotiations table with the adjuster. I made sure to go through my policy carefully so as to be able to quote some of the sections of the policy during the conversations we had.

  1. What to Expect During the Claims Process

The claims made with regard to home insurance may differ depending to the type of policy and the insurer. Here’s a general overview of what to expect:

  1. Initial Contact

If the claim has been filed, then in most cases you will be able to speak to an adjuster in the next few days. This is important for them to know the date at which the incidence happened, and more details on the damage that was done and any temporal measures that were used to fix the issue.

  1. Inspection

This adjuster will then fix a time for assessing the degree and extent of the damage occurred. They will be visiting the company during this time in order to determine how much of the damage has been done and will gather data that they will need in order to come up with this assessment. It’s very important to expect this by ensuring you have your papers well arranged and the extent of the harm well understood.

  1. Investigation

An investigation will then be conducted by the adjuster after the inspection. This may involve looking at how this policy was implemented or at the damage done and whatever can be offered to similar cases. This process may take a long time and that is why one has to exercise patience in the course of this probe.

  1. Settlement Offer

After the investigation has been carried out, the adjuster will then make a settlement on the claim. That will be when you shall have to rely on your understanding on their strategies and other documents as we have seen. Should you think that the offer laid in front of you is insufficient, do not hesitate to inquire about it and to support your comments and/or arguments.

  1. Negotiation

It is always advisable to negotiate on the offer in case the offer is way below expectations. Provide your data and be ready to defend it. Just a note, this is the negotiation process and usually, it starts with a lower offer than what one is suppose to be paid. I discovered that being assertive especially when bargaining was beneficial especially when bargaining as it got me better results.

The Importance of Persistence

In general it is important to be persistent as you go through the claims process. As much as the adjusters are likely to give up on your claim or even dissuade you from continuing with it, it is possible for a lot of change to happen. If you believe that your claim is somehow treated unjustly, do not hesitate to address the situation to a supervisor or report the situation to insurance department of your state.

Personal Reflection

It is also as a result of this that I realize that the process was not only concerning the monetary aspect, but also having to stand up for myself and my home. Pay attention to the insurance world is not an easy task since some insurance companies can really make it difficult for you to get an upper hand.

The Role of an Attorney

It is possible to explain that in some cases, application of certain approaches may require help of an attorney, who specializes in insurance claims. They can offer useful recommendations and assistance particularly if your basis of the claim is being challenged or when you are experiencing great difficulties in the process of bargaining. An attorney will assist you in the understanding of your rights with the aim of ensuring that you get a deserved compensation.

When to Consider Legal Help

If you encounter any of the following situations, it may be time to seek legal assistance:

  • If rejected your claim or offered a different amount from what you were hoping for.
  • Sometimes there are numerous claims which could be overwhelming to handle and you require professional assistance.
  • The Insurance company is using strategies that could be perceived as unethical and or unfair.


There is nothing wrong with understanding the ‘home insurance claim adjuster secret tactics’ because it helps one to understand how to overcome some of the difficulties likely to occur when filing a claim. Once you know what to look out for, adjusters can be minimized and prevented from taking advantage of you and giving you a low-ball settlement offer. Just keep in mind that as with most things in life, the phrase ‘the best defense is a good offense’ holds true here as well: prepare well for your meeting, document everything, be careful about what you say, and do not be caught off-guard by anything the other party will throw at you – you know your policy better than they do. So, in addition to improving the odds of your claim being approved, you also reduce the frustration which often accompanies home insurance claims.

This is true, however going through the claims process can be a tough nut to crack but having all the necessary tools, as well as knowledge on your side then it’s all systems go. No matter if it is a small or a large claim, learning about some of the behaviors that claim adjusters employ will help you fight for the amount you rightfully deserve.

Picture of Mansoor Ahmed

Mansoor Ahmed

As a seasoned insurance professional with 10 years of experience, Mansoor Ahmed currently providing his services in Century Insurance Company Limited as Insurance Consultant and has dedicated his career to helping hundreds of individuals and businesses to understand how insurance can impact their lives and what are the benefits they can receive. His passion of providing services in insurance matters resulted in financial security. From understanding your unique needs to selecting the optimal coverage, he offer's expert guidance and information every step of the way. Whether it’s safeguarding your family, protecting your business, or planning for the future, he is available to provide you better information and to be your trusted insurance consultant.

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