What We Write About:

This blog dedicates itself to provide information on multiple facets of insurance such as travel, health, life, auto, home, business, and many more. Our focus is to offer comprehensive information regarding worldwide insurance, particular coverage types, policy comparison and guidelines that may be necessary to assist the users to appreciate the insurance arena. The presented business information is chosen to be easy to comprehend, credible, and timely in order to provide the readers with the latest key trends and enablers in the insurance industry.

Who We Write For:

This website targets those people, couples, families or companies, who really need the information about the insurance, which will be well-written, clear, accurate, and applicable. It thus targets out an audience from all different ages, ethnicities, genders and interests required by them toward selection of the right insurance products. To cater to our readers, regardless whether they are rookies when it comes to insurance, existing policyholders or business people and/or entrepreneurs seeking for corporate insurance, our articles and posts are perfectly customised for you.

Why We Write:

With 10 years of experience and providing services in Century Insurance Company Limited as Insurance Consultant, It is our passion to explain insurance in simple terms and equip you with information that will enable you in making the right choices. Insurance is important for financial protection and thus we aim to provide comprehensive and uncomplicated information for our readers about insurance. our values are simplicity, objectivity, and empathy; we work to help our readers stay informed and being able to help them when they are choosing an insurance plan.

All the contents posted in our blog are developed under these principles to keep us on track with our goal of helping people at large.